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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Time.....she is a cruel, cruel bitch.

I obviously haven't posted in a while....largely because I just don't have the time. Between doing what I can for my Mom (she is holding her own right now....scans coming up VERY soon, which will dictate next steps), trying to maintain my job (which is being as flexible as possible BUT the demands of me are still the same, if not more), attempting to be a good friend (I would be utterly lost without my friends right now....don't' think I could ever repay them) and traffic...ah yes, my current lover, traffic (it is 89 miles between my uncles house (where my Mom is staying) and my work....straight thru D.C. mind you), I just don't have the time.

I don't even have the time to be a good blog reader, much-less comment on my fave blogs...my google reader currently has 504 blog entries to read. I apparently won a blog giveaway, but didn't even know...sorry about that Elle....make sure you check out Elle Sees. ya'll!

I am sure I will continue to be blog MIA, at least while my Mom needs me, she is my #1 priority. In the interim, I hope to be a better blog reader/comment-er and hopefully get a tweet or two in.Speaking of, my Twitter got hacked....I tried to reset the password, but that wasn't very successful. So now, I am starting over and you can find me on Twitter here.....Yes, I am a loser and my Twitter is private, but I work in HR, so you do what you have to do.

I hope to catch up with you guys in one way or another....soon!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yearbook Funnies Link Up

Hey' yall!

Are you ready???  It's time to embarrass ourselves, safely among friends, and post pictures (many that you would like to forget) from the past! They could be school pictures, family pictures, you know...your 'awkward phase'...actually, the more awkward the better!

As one of the hosts of this link up, I thought I should really embarrass myself...and sure enough, I had a lot of material to work with.

Let the embarrassment begin!

Thanks again to my awesome co-hosts for working with me on this link up...make sure you check them both out!

Ready to join in the fun?? Grab the linky below and join us as we laugh at ourselves!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Book Swap: Reveal

Happy Monday, ya'll!

A few weeks ago, I signed up for the Book Swap hosted by Heather @ Blonde...Undercover Blonde and Katie @ The Nerdy Katie. I LOOOOVE to read, so was super excited to have someone else pick a book for me!

I was lucky enough to be paired with Monica from Amazing Times to Come....check out her blog, ya'll! Monica sent me....

I am so excited to read this one! It had been on my 'to read' list for a while but I bumped it up once I saw ABC was coming out with a TV show based on the book this spring. Here is a description from Amazon.com:

The GCBs of Hillside Park Presbyterian are praying for Amanda Vaughn--or so they claim. Will their evil gossip destroy her reputation, or will she show them exactly how to turn the other cheek
Amanda Vaughn needs some heaven-sent help. She’s divorced her cheating husband and fled, along with her two teenagers, back to her hometown, Hillside Park, a Dallas suburb so upper-class that the question isn’t where to bank, but whose family owns the bank. Amanda is thrilled to be back in Texas—after twelve years in Southern California, she’s ready to leave behind her shallow, Godless life and return to the welcoming Christian world where she grow up. Or at least that’s the plan . . .
But when she arrives, she’s met with some Texas-sized trouble. Her old friends, neighbors, and fellow church members treat Amanda like a long-lost friend . . . until her back is turned. Then the claws come out. Amanda finds herself trapped in a world of salacious rumors, secret affairs, and Bible-study sessions gone terribly wrong. And what’s even more puzzling is that a secret admirer is sending Amanda lavish gifts. Why, she wonders, would anyone send a Mercedes when a simple dinner invitation would do?
Packed with schemes, drama, and a Southern setting more fun than a barbecue at Southfork, Good Christian Bitches has humor, sass, and an unforgettable cast of characters.

Thanks again to Monica for the book and to Heather and Katie for hosting an awesome swap!

Don't forget! Dig out those embarrassing photos of yourself from years past...you know, we all had an awkward phase!! Who best to share those with than your bloggy friends! The Yearbook Funnies link up is TOMORROW!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TV Time!

Hey, ya'll!  Happy Hump Day!

As you have heard me say before, I love when TV worlds, or even better reality TV worlds collide! It has happened again...and needless to say I am excited!!

CMT has green-lighted the new reality show Melissa and Tye: A New Reality. The show will follow former 'Making of: The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders', 'The Bachelor' ' Dancing with the Stars' star Melissa Rycroft, her hubby and new baby as they move to Los Angeles. Although no TV release date has been set, I will definitely be tuning in!

On the field with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

Meeting Jason Mesnick on 'The Bachelor'...what a CF that was!

With her partner Tony Dovolani on DWTS.

Family 4th of July picture!

That is not all from CMT...they have also green-lighted "I Love Jennie" which will follow Jennie Garth and her family (hello Peter Facinelli!) as they move out of LA and into the country. Again, I will be tuning in. Of course to see 'Kelly Taylor' but 'Kelly Taylor' married to 'Dr. Carlisle Cullen'...sign me up! Again, no TV release date, but hopefully soon!

I am going to ignore that 'Carlisle' is wearing orange crocs!

To read more about these new CMT shows, check out articles here and here.


Slightly unrelated, tonight is the premiere of MTV's The Challenge: Battle of the Exes. I am sure major drama will ensue with this cast!

But, let's face it, my main reason for watching is.....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Target Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, ya'll!!

You know what that means.....Target Tuesday, brought to you by the genius of Tara @ Fabulous but Evil.

This week, I am feeling bleh. I am not sure if it is my emotions, the weather, my beloved Ravens losing....but, just not feeling it. I would like to be hibernating with a few essentials right now.......

On to the hibernation essentials....

Extra warm down comforter? Yes, please!

Comfy PJ's? Ok!

I have been wanting to watch this series from the beginning...

I was pulled in the first few episodes, but stopped watching, would love to pick it back up!

And what would a lazy days be without Chick Flicks!

I really like the book!..

It looks like a cute movie...and mindless!

Snacks! Snack! Snacks!!!
Natural Tostitos Blue Corn Tortilla Chips Made with Certified Organic Corn, 9 Ounce (Pack of 3)
Archer FarmsĀ® Original Medium Thick & Chunky Salsa - 24 oz.
Chips and Salsa..yumm
Pepperidge Farm - Goldfish Mix-Up Adventures - Parmesan & Flavor Blasted Xplosive Pizza - 6.6 oz
I love the fishes 'cause they're so delicious....
Archer FarmsĀ® Salted Roasted Pistachios - 16 oz.
Pistachios...keep' it healthy!

Cheetos Baked Crunchy Cheese Snacks 11-oz.
They're baked...whatever!
Don't judge me....

What are you loving at Target this week? Link up and share with us!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tag, You're It

Hey ya'll!

I was lucky enough to be tagged by Maggie at Glitz & Grammar  to play the 'Tag' blog game! I am so excited that one of my favorite bloggers tagged me! If you girls haven't checked out Maggie's blog......run over there! I just know you will love it too!!!

The Blogger Game Rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

My 11 'Fun' Facts:
1. I am an only child
2. I have 3 tattoos
3. I worked at Target for 10 years
4. Eddie and the Cruisers and Valley Girl (which are both old and random) are my absolute favorite movies
5. I was born and raised in a town of 400 people
6. That small town, is where the Hatfield & McCoy feud all began
7. I don't like my food to touch
8. I love to watch football & hockey and listen to sports talk radio rather than music radio
9. I watch way too much tv....so much so that I need a Tivo and a DVR
10. I kick myself weekly for not going to pharmacy school
11. Dating/meeting someone new scares the crap outta me!

Questions for Me:
1. What is your favorite part about blogging?
I like connecting with other bloggers and being able to express myself.
2. Who is your celebrity crush?
Channing Tatum...yum...
3. What is your favorite city/place in the world?
Las Vegas...derrr
4. If you could tell us a time where you helped a stranger the most, when was it?
I like doing little things that people don't expect. Paying the toll for the car behind you, paying the fast food bill for the car in the drive thru behind you. Hopefully, people pass it on...
5. If you could have only one magazine subscription for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
People Magazine...definitely!
6. What is your biggest fear?
Losing my family...being alone in the world..
7. What is your guilty pleasure? 
Popcorn, macaroni & tomato juice and mindless TV
8. Can you recall your favorite childhood memory?
9. Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter...even though I am a much better follower than tweeter
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Rude/cocky people
11. How would you sum yourself up in three words or less?
Fun, Loyal, Emotional

I Am Tagging:
( I know that this 'tag' has been going around...I apologize if you have been previously tagged...)
1. Ashleigh @ Waking Up in Vegas
2. Krystal @ Krystal's Kitsch
3. Katie @ Latte Love
4. Sprinkles @ Wyldechylde
5. Jennifer @ Crazy Shenanigans
6.Teresa @ Trend-ish
7. Sabrina @ Sample Size 16
8. Jules @ Chic & Pink
11. Tina @ Sequins, Plaids & Paws

Questions From Me:
1. What is your all time favorite TV show?
2. What is your favorite shampoo?
3.If there was only one blog you could read, what would it be?
4. How often do you blog? Do you schedule your posts?
5. Do you have a TV in your bedroom?
6. What would you say is your 'signature' meal?
7. If you could only shop at one store...what would it be?
8. What is your 'day' job?
9. What kind of car do you drive?
10. Coke or Pepsi?
11. What is your cocktail of choice? If it is a specialty of yours, share the recipe.

That's it! Thanks again to Maggie for tagging me to play!

Don't forget! Start digging out your embarrassing photos from elementary/middle/high school to share during the 'Yearbook Funnies' link up January 31st!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


It's Gameday!!!